Aries takes initiative, Aries acts, plans, thinks, accomplishes. Aries doesn’t wait for the stars to align, the signs to reveal themselves and a good omen. Aries is the omen. The cardinal spark, the initial flame, the Impulse at the heart and soul of the big bang - this is Aries - and it is in you, me, and each and every atom within this universe. Arising from the dissolution of Pieces, the light of Aries casts clear shadows which can be measured, weighted, and named. In this way, Aries is Logic. Aries is the process of brain that deduces, infers, calculates, and acts with assuredness. Aries is good sound judgement. Aries is the mental process when it is unaffected by personal bias.
Aries is the outward expressing aspect of Mars energy. It is passion, but it is not the inwardly-focused, slow simmer of Scorpio, which is the feminine quality of Mars. If the role of Scorpio is the power to internalize and transform traumas and to teach us deep lessons through experience, the role of Aries is to get things moving. Aries has always represented leadership, and the sun is exalted here for the Sun is the natural ruler of the solar system. Through perfected geometrics, the sun keeps the planets of our solar system orbiting in flawless harmony and guides the evolution of consciousness within all of the planets. The sun is a pure expression of the Creative Source, and when that pure light of the sun expresses through the simple, unclouded, and pure discernment of Aries, it is possible for the Will of God to become manifest. If this were to be realized, without obstruction, in the heart of a human being, we would call this human an enlightened leader. However, Sun in Aries, when obstructed by the 3 poisons of ignorance, attachment, and aggression, can lead to some of the most disasterous outcomes. Hitler, for example, was an Aries sun native. When considering the attributes of Aries, we see how the Aries mind-form can lead to both disasterous and wonderful outcomes, depending upon the principles through which the acting agent is adhering to. Meditate upon the sun’s role in all life on this planet. This will reveal the true principles that Aries must follow.
In the far past, the archetypal Aries could be imagined as the game changing logical intuition that first allowed humans to master fire by developing the technology, which for our distant ancestors was rubbing pieces of wood together, which enabled us to have access to fire whenever we wanted or needed it. A Lakota Holy Man and Elder said to one of his students, “All knowledge comes from fire.” This statement is true of Aries. Aries is the birthplace of technology, math, engineering, and the capacity to make connections between ideas that have never been made before. Perhaps, Aries didn’t first have the idea for humanity to master fire and bring fire under its control. Other archetypes may have first perceived the need, and the possibility, but once the need is perceived, it is Aries that will bridge the gap and cross the gulf between point A to point B to bring the new possibility into reality. No other archetype in the zodiac has the passion, ingenuity, and courage to cross the gulf of the unknown likes Aries. In fact, Aries has a secret power through its connection with Scorpio that enables this bridge-crossing magik. Scorpio rules the 8th house from Aries. The 8th house is the most mysterious of all the houses, as it pertains to transformation, death, rebirth, and inconceivable mystery. On the deepest level, the 8th house is cognized as The Source of Death, Shiva, or The Great Mystery. As Aries and Scorpio are both ruled by Mars, the intelligence of the feared and mysterious 8th lord is already present within Aries from the get-go. The question is whether or not the Aries native has the will and courage to merge the masculine and feminine passion energies within their own person. Embodied spiritual practices and yogas that merge polarities are excellent for Aries. Under excessive tamastic influences, Aries can reject its polar opposite, which leads to tyranny, domination, and horror.
Wherever Aries lies in your chart, it speaks to your potential to lead, but it is important to consider the relationship of the house ruled by Aries to your own ascendant, sun, or moon. As a foundational archetype, the mind-form referred to by Aries which is the capacity to think logically, infer soundly, and calculate according to principles is within everyone to varying degrees. When applying this mind-form towards the accomplishment of a worthy goal, people don’t think twice about following you. The house in which Aries appears for you is the area of life where you are predisposistioned to manifest this kind of leadership, however, the influence of other planets on this house must be considered as well. Saturn is debilitated in Aries. Saturn shows the long term consequences and outcomes of any endeavor, which can make the Aries Archetype think twice and dwell upon what they have to lose. Overthinking and analysis paralysis is fundamentally an affliction to Aries. Saturn can obstruct Aries energy and Aries can obstruct Saturn energy. Aries energy, when functioning at its best, must be in the moment, connected with the present reality, and acting in a clean, logical, manner. Too many cares, concerns, and personal preferences and beliefs disrupt this.
Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atom-bomb, had his sun exalted in Aries, along with Mars. This powerful combination in his 11th house created a result in this world that is a paradigm example of what Aries energy can accomplish, for better or worse. The mind-form of Aries manifesting through Homo Erectus nearly a million years ago first brought our ancestors to learn the secrets of fire. Today it has unlocked the atom and the potential to annihalate our whole planet. The 9th house is the house of dharma, the house which shows the right path for one to follow. Aries has Sagitarius in the 9th house, the expressive side of Jupiter and the archetyapl teacher of Dharma. If Aries conforms to the principles of Jupiter, the result of Aries benefits a greater whole, if it Aries rejects the greater spiritual principles and is driven by motives of personal gain, Aries quickly becomes a tyrant.
Today, our technological mastery of fire is very advanced. A flip of the switch brings forth the light of fire, and the press of a button ignites the engine in a car that can melt physical distance. The secret fire within the atom has been released, and the possibility of complete annihilation is ever present. What is Aries role in creating the future when we have already brought forth so much technology? Certainly, the development of technologies which provide clean, sustainable energy and make it abundantly available to people all over the world would be a crowning achievement for Aries. Unfortunately, the military-industrial complex and moneyed interest have nearly claimed a monopoly upon the Aries mind-form, as they use it to build increasingly sophisticated weapons. But for the Aries soul who can find true courage and union with the other Martian polarity, which is Scorpio, the possibilities for technological breakthroughs that benefit the whole of humanity are tremendous. To achieve such a focused vision, it is essential for the Aries soul to follow the dharmic path denoted by Jupiter and Sagitarius. Interestingly, Aries has Pieces in the 10th house. 10th house is the house of Karma, the house that shows who we are supposed to be as adults that function, act, and work in this world. Surprisingly, logically-driven Aries finds grace in its full adult archetype as a mystic. This is worth considering for all those who are driving away along Aries-inspired endeavors. Merging masculine and feminine energies internally, unifying the polarties, and allowing spiritual principles to evolve materialstic Aries logic into mysticism is sure to bring happiness for the Aries soul.