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Crab Nebula


Astrology is a sophisticated framework for negotiating and harmonizing the often contradictory impulses of soul, ego, and spirit, but it needs to be coupled with embodied awareness and energetic competence to achieve the desired results. I offer consultations to help orient you to the unacknowledged dynamics  playing out in your life, along with the tools and mentoring that can bring the many aspects of your being into harmony. 



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Philosophy of Astrology

We live in a time of global transformation, and often the frameworks we are given to help us navigate life are outdated and ineffective. During an Astrological Consultation I help you discover a framework that is harmonious with the many aspects of your inner-being, because it reflects what is already there and provides the language and insights to help you make conscious hidden aspects of your life. 


​With decades of study in both the western, and in the Vedic tradition, I have come to develop my own form for reading astrology charts which is based more on Vedic astrology and uses the placements of the sidereal zodiac. Often people will want to know, “Which astrology is the right one?” This well meaning question tends to miss the deep and subtle nature which is the art and science of astrology.  An astrological consultation is a dance between your spirit, and the intuitive and communicative powers of the astrologer. With all such things, you will be drawn to a reading that is right for you, at the time when you need it, and what is right for you can change over time.


There is a dimension that is in no astrological chart, no matter what other astrologers would say. This dimension is the secret dimension of your own inner-being, and from my perspective, the main purpose of life is to awaken to this Inner-Presence, and to embody this Presence within our day-to-day lives. The mirror of your birth chart can help you awaken to this Presence which lies asleep in so many of us, and can give you strategies for how to navigate your life with respects to who you really are.


Further Thoughts on Astrology


Astrology is more than a set of personality archetypes with which to identify with. Astrology, when taken to its core, is the  intellectual comprehension of the spirit. Put another way, astrology is the logic of the Inner-Worlds. It is a form of thinking that allows the gross intellect, the material and concrete mind, to climb a spiral glass staircase towards the more cosmic vibrations and perceptions which are available to us. 


The truth of reality cannot be grasped through theory alone, it is ultimately through the clarification of our perceptions that we can come to accurately see, and identify, the many changing faces of life that we must come to know, navigate, and harmonize with.  Learning such a subtle art can help us live consciously, with a new sense of freedom and choice, even amidst the entangling chaos and uncertainties of modern life. 


Astrology provides a framework and set of patterns for the intellect to begin tracing the shape of the Inner-Reality. This is the gift of Astrology, and it is personalized, just for you, in the form of your birth chart. A birth chart is like a map of the territory you chose to inherit in this life.  Learning such a map is both exciting, informative, and helpful. 


Each planet reflects a particular aspect of what makes us human, and every life is a play of these aspects.  Becoming familiar with these qualities, and learning to recognize them, with or without a birth chart, in both yourself and in others, is the perceptual refinement that astrology invites. Astro-Harmonics aims to mentor you in the development of the direct, intuitive perception of energy and vibration, rather than being forever trapped in the guessing game of the lower-intellect with its limited set of tools that include inference, correlation, and matching. The higher intellect merges the language of symbols, theory and concepts with presence,  feeling, and direct sensory experience to create a more sophisticated form of knowing. To develop this within yourself is the real purpose of studying astrology. Through the mentorship that Astro-Harmonics can provide, you are invited to walk up that spiral staircase into a new form of knowing which can center you in the present moment and make the reception of wisdom a possibility. 





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