Samuel McRee

Astrology, Inner-Work, Nature Connection.
What if astrology were a science of consciousness that could help you realize who you are, even amidst the chaos of this modern world? What choices might you make?
Information and insight alone cannot do this, Inner-Work is an integral aspect of bringing your spirit, and personality, back into alignment. This is deep work, and can involve making the unconscious conscious, energetic transformations, and realizations.
With the abundant chaos and distraction of the modern world, knowing and living your vision is not a common thing. Our education system has neglected the art, and science, of how to know and hold a vision, and of how to develop the will to realize it.
Astro-Harmonics is an educational offering dedicated to the transmission of those practices, teachings, and processes that have the potency to help you realize your soul nature.


Astro-Harmonics Sessions
Astro-Harmonics sessions are meant to meet you where you are at, which includes your interests, desires, and needs. This is an astrological consultation which includes meditations, mantras, and investigations of the Inner-Worlds, and it is a process of mentoring in the Inner-Work needed for growth that includes your astrological chart and an emphasis on grounding in the natural world. Astro-Harmonics brings together multiple wisdom traditions in order to provide you with process and techniques that will be most appropriate for you at the time of your session. This is a chance to get to know hidden aspects of yourself and to experience the healing of integrating those aspects and the release of old energetic blockages, while also gaining insight and perspective on your current life situation, who you are, and the quest you most truly seek.
Read more here, or, to begin the conversation, send an email to, to receive your client questionnaire and to begin exploring what offering will serve you the best.
Sam McRee
Astro-Harmonics is my endeavor to bring together the wisdom traditions that I love, which have all in their own way transformed my life. For the past two decades I have dedicated my life to the art, knowledge, and science of what I am calling Astro-Harmonics, which is a word for the yoga of aligning the seen with the unseen. We all have a conscious personality, and a vast unconscious mind filled with hidden aspects that can often run our lives. Energetic processes can give you the awareness to see behind the scenes into what is really going on, and the right application of Inner-Work, coupled with the logic of the cosmos, which is what astrology in essence is, can provide insight, healing and transformation.